


birthdatepril 8, 1973 (29 yea old)生日:.(现年29岁)

. m (5‘7‘)身高:1.75m

weigh58(127 lbs)体重:58kg

blood type血型:a型

hobbiesllee glasses爱好:收集葡萄酒杯

favorite foodvegetables喜欢的食物:蔬菜(她是素食主义者)

favorite sporbilliards擅长的运动:桌球

most valuableherbeauty最大的价值:美貌

hates the mosross people最讨厌的东西:不干净的家伙

fighstyley thai格斗模式:泰拳(法式泰拳)

. beautifulhat hides her beauty under men clothes,ly for severa., whena little girl, she was sehailandrderleary thai, with her baby brother,king, despite be, demostratedb.ay thai fighter, and could even face th., she couldfighfficial tournament because she wasks very disappointed anderpoint, she despised befemal. also hadke careher brotherhowever, the clever mindking bebrew somethhe.是一个将自己美貌隐藏在男装下的美丽女子――这是有原因的。首先,在king还是一个小女孩的时候,就被送至泰国学习泰拳,同时还带着她尚在襁褓中的亲弟弟jan king。尽管作为一个女性,仍是一名极为出色的泰拳选手,即使面对那些最好的格斗家们也毫不逊色。然而她却不能参加那种正是的官方举行的比赛,因为,她是女性。king对此十分失望,甚至厌恶身为女性的自己。她还得照顾她的弟弟,不过她想到了一个妙计……

next thy thrnament, all fighte were surpriseda cerfighter who wor.hirt, and very short blon. were even more surprised when that peon bedvhe tournament, witpressiv. mysterious peon quickly reached the final battle, wherehadface the current champhe fight was pretty even, but theed only ‘king‘ was gehe upper handrage but, the champk holdking‘s shirt, but kin. impde the champear king‘s shirt, and king‘s secret soon became evidehe crowd: she waseverybody wa. ore considered the final invalid, and threw ky. the humiliated kraveledheed states, where she would beew life with her brother


krrivedsouthtown,y wit.otproblems and crime duehe re..ard, since she alway., king hated herhoodre than ever, ever since thden. as, and received all he. day,ed ryo sakazak. kidnapped sister, . ryo that that isn‘y forbargebar, andhes infor,would havefight herhad been awhile before she had fought, andedfeel whsfighhe fight was pretty even, but ryo was determinedfind her sister, his only famil. wasn‘re that ghh more spirit tha., thdeebecam. inner spirhis hands, and thre.o‘ou kerds ked kbe bly, her shir. was then surprised when heed kryhide herexpose., ryo saidwas sorry, and helped kphad eve. refusesept it, klways likesse.到达的南镇,是一个被吉斯•;霍华德控制的充满犯罪的城市。king有时也经常喝酒,于是就在市中心的繁华地段开了一家酒吧。然而现在的她更加厌恶身为女性的自身,自从在那场比赛中发生了那起事故。于是king打扮成一个优雅的男士,也很好的瞒过了客人们的眼睛。有一天,一个叫坂崎良的男人闯进了酒吧,要人们告诉他有关她被人绑架的妹妹,百合的消息。king告诉良,这样闯进别人的酒吧不是一个男人的所作所为,如果他想打听到什么的话,就要与她对战。在她决斗前的瞬间,她想到的是即将再次与人对战了。这次格斗两人的实力在伯仲之间,但良急切地想要得知她唯一的家人――她的亲妹妹的下落――同时他也没有意识到king是个女子,他的气比平时更强。然而,同样的事件再次,在这场格斗中,发生了。良集气于掌中,朝着king的方向放出了虎煌拳。king被这强烈的斗气弹开了,她的衬衫被撕开了。当良注意到king拼命想掩饰自己现在敞开的胸膛,他感到十分惊奇。良对king感到十分抱歉,并将king拉了起来。从来就没有一个男人这样对待自己![是不是可以说,良根本就是一个没神经的人……还是他被king的美貌迷住了……?(^ ++++从那时起,即使他本人不愿意承认,她总是很希望能见到良。

khen received one dayvparticipatehe newfighte tournament, introdhe new team battl. she even knew whdh the inv, therl,shiranui, and ryo‘s sister, yuri, appearedeamwith herepyway, the troublesome, but beautiful trio entered th., yuri hadreturher father‘s team, and khen received th., ryuhaku,she accepted herhe telthough, she also hadrry about her sick brother jan, but heedrecover thanksking‘.,e. excitedthfter thrnament, king likedpass more time with jan, butthen invitedthe hostlast year‘s tournament, chizuru,participate with herh. had also takeh her,kin. ter female powerhe world!

一天,king收到了参加新一届拳皇大赛的邀请,这次大赛已入了一种全新的模式,那就是组队参赛。在她还不清楚怎样处理这张邀请函的时候,一个女忍者――不知火 舞,还有良的妹妹百合出现了找他一起组队参赛。就这样,这对漂亮又有点麻烦的三人组连续参加了以后的两届格斗大赛。直到1996年的时候,百合不得不回到她父亲在的那一个队(老头子因伤退出)。随后,king在酒吧中接待了藤堂香澄的来访,香澄的父亲,藤堂龙白是king的朋友,king答应香澄一同组队。虽然king很担心自己体弱的弟弟,不过简现在正努力复健,也多亏了king的努力呢。简决定接受病痛的挑战,他要打赢自己的战斗,就像姐姐那样。king感到很高兴,决定在这次大赛结束后话更多的时间来照顾他。可是之后,king却收到来自上一届大赛(96)举办者神乐千鹤的邀请。把简带在身边去参加比赛,这样king就没什么好担心的了。(和千鹤这个主办人组队嘛,当然可以多搞一张招待状咯)现在,king的抱负就是,向世界展示女性格斗家的实力!

the battles have ended, and kereturnsher bar an. seemedbe easy, before the nevfor the 1999fighte tournamen. were looking pretty bleak, afterdecideddy this time around, since the teams wherebefour warrio this time around, and chizuru had retreatedpeaceful life ofhver the seal imposedhe orochi powerhe ooleft behind, king seeksf her best friendssouthblue mary and kasshealso approachedlfei,enthusiasbut very hungry) chinese martial artist,ppefight kashe moment krrivedrecruit ryuhaku‘s daughter, duepaid bille, the most beautiful (and lethal) fighte would gather, and all who undereses them will surely fall!

当这场战斗结束的时候 [是指大蛇篇吧?] ,king再次回到了自己的酒吧,不过她还是关注着事态的进一步发展。一切看起来似乎和平静,直到她收到了kof99邀请函。这次舞加入了安迪的队伍――此次大会要求是四人组队参加,而千鹤也恢复了以往守护大蛇之力封印的生活,还真有些冷清寂寞的感觉呢。不过她并不是一个人,king在南镇找到了她的两个好朋友:布鲁•;玛丽和藤堂香澄。king还遇到了李香妃――一个热血(但是超级大胃……|||)的中国格斗家。那正是king在想去找藤堂香澄一同组队的时候,碰巧遇到香妃和香澄为了香澄是否吃霸王餐正要动手。再次,这些具有美貌和实力的女性格斗家们又组成了一队,那些小看她们的家伙只有失败。

the tournament ends, king returnsher baouthdes her har. dsh, however, duehe malevolefluencethe nests cartelrds he. night, ryo pay.isking‘s bar, an. why, but evento khat the devil isbaee king‘s pain, ryo goesfarinvkhe kyokugenryo karate team for the newfighte 2000 tournament, being held sksks about yuri, and ryo tells hen‘t any problem, since yuri has left the kyokugenryo teherll, and ding kaseamwithd yuri, king finally take.hance with the big boys, and finally getsfight alongside her secret love, ryo, and demand revengest th. shemeh the opposf ohe membethe kyokugenryo clan, robert,blivious abhe fhat his beloved yurigone, andrefusesepta tee, evenshe isl. plansfight kprove her worth, and seehe deterrobert‘s eyes, . both fight awinded battle,hich both en. king‘s valuea fighter, and finally ketsfighh some dependable partne, for once!

当这次大赛结束的时候,king还是回到了南镇的酒吧继续她辛苦的工作。由于nests的邪恶势力的影响,她的客户在不断减少。一天晚上,良到酒吧拜访king,发现眼前所见一片荒凉,king也想知道这些恶魔们到底在暗地里进行着什么阴谋。良不忍看到king如此痛苦,便邀请她加入他们的龙虎之拳队参加者即将举行的kof2000大赛。“那百合怎么办?”良的回答是百合这次是自愿离开龙虎之拳队的,并且她已经和舞组队了。推荐香澄去和舞、百合他们组队之后,king决定在这个大男孩身上碰碰运气。最终她能和这个她隐约爱着的人,良并肩作战,他要向nests复仇。不过king还是遭到了龙虎队中一个成员的反对,那就是罗伯特,这家伙完全无法接受自己可爱的小百合离开的事实。[罗:良!!一定是你为了和king和好故意将百合赶走的吧!!~~~~~~]罗伯特拒绝承认king作为自己的队友,尽管她是自己的老朋友了[当然咯,百合不在了,朋友算那根葱啊……]罗伯特提出和她决斗,以证明她是否具有留在龙虎队的实力。“很认真的眼神啊……好,我接受。”决斗一直持续到两人都体力耗尽再也无法发动有效攻击。罗布特终于承认king作为格斗家的实力 [难道他先前承认的只是她和良的情侣关系……???!!!]。第一次,king能和一群靠得住的伙伴并肩迎接战斗。[就是,除了kof97的神乐千鹤和kof99的玛丽以外,作为历代女性格斗家队的领队,其余那几个都是些很会惹麻烦的人啊…百合和舞整个一对活宝…king简直像保姆。













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